Postdoc Timothy Jenkins is developing a new and innovative method for treating digoxin poisoning, earning him the Otto Mønsted Foundation's researcher prize, ‘The Bright Idea’ and DKK 250,000 for the project.
For the second year in a row, the Otto Mønsted Foundation has awarded the prize ‘The Bright Idea’ in the categories Business and Science. It goes to students (bachelor, master, PhD), postdocs, or a group of younger researchers - who have a bright idea or have developed a solution with great potential.
"We have seen a very high level among this year's applicants. However, Timothy's idea stands out as he came up with a solution to a major industrial problem with his project."
Nina Movin, CEO of Otto Mønsted's Foundation and A/S
This year, the best idea of the year in science went to Timothy Jenkins, who is postdoctoral fellow at DTU Bioengineering. He has developed a new method of treating digoxin poisoning, which can be a side-effect of medical treatment of heart problems with digoxin. His method is expected to make the treatment safer and reduce the number of deaths due to digoxin poisoning.
“With my project, we will use advanced technology to discover antibodies that can make the treatment of digoxin poisoning both cheaper and more clinically safe.
Not only patients will experience an improvement, but the lower cost will also increase global accessibility to an effective treatment. This will also help to highlight Denmark’s expertise within biotherapeutics. I am extremely grateful for the recognition of this project in the form of this award - it brings it one step closer to being realised”, says Timothy Jenkins.
The award ceremony goes hand in hand with the Otto Mønsted Foundation's main purpose, which is to contribute to the development of Denmark's trade and industry, among other things through the support of young researchers. This year there was fierce competition and many applicants, but the jury had no doubt that Timothy Jenkin's idea should be recognized.
“We have seen a very high level among this year's applicants. However, Timothy's idea stands out as he came up with a solution to a major industrial problem with his project. The current treatment of digoxin poisoning is so expensive, time consuming, and difficult to scale up that approx. every fourth case of digoxin poisoning is not treated. That can actually be changed with the help of Timothy's research project. It also means that it will be possible to expand sales of products to markets that have not previously been accessible, ”says Nina Movin, CEO of Otto Mønsted's Foundation and A/S.
The award The Bright Idea was awarded by the foundation's chairman Bo Stærmose on Thursday 24 September in Copenhagen.
The prize jury behind The Bright Idea consists of:
- Kigge Hvid, partner, JA studio
- Ole Kring, partner, VF Venture (Vækstfonden)
- Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll, professor DTU Compute og medlem af Otto Mønsteds Fonds bestyrelse
- Jesper Højberg Christensen, adjungeret professor på CBS
- Nis Alstrup, lægefaglig direktør, Aleris-Hamlet, hospitaler og medlem af Otto Mønsteds Fonds bestyrelse
- Karina Bergstrøm Larsen, direktør, Q Consulting
- Christian Brix Tillegreen, Senior Business Developer, Bioinnovation Institute
- Nigel Edmondson, adm. direktør MADE
- Bo Stærmose, bestyrelsesformand Otto Mønsteds Fond