DTU Fermentation Core

DTU Fermentation core provides state-of-the-art facilities for investigation of quantitative microbial physiology of cells to the researchers at DTU Bioengineering by grouping advanced instrumentation under a single management in dedicated laboratories. The main objective of the facility is to support research and teaching facilities in the areas of cellular physiology, fermentation processes, metabolite analysis, purification processes, and screening of microbial and mammalian cells.
The mission of the research core is to offer advanced research faciliites in terms of fermentors, off gas analysis, high throughput screening, and protein purification to researchers and students in order to support research acitivities at the university and continue to supply highly trained fermentation specialists for the growing biotech industry.
Simultaneously we aim to provide visiting researchers and biotech companies with access to cutting edge facilities in order to foster international and industrial collaborations. For an in depth description of the equipment at the core please click here.
The platfrom is managed by Assistant Professor José Louis Martinez Ruiz aided by a multidisciplinary scientific board consisting of four associate professors and a technical support team led by Tina Johansen. The administrative aspects of the platform is managed by Pia Haugaard Nord-Larsen.
The platfrom is located in building 223 at DTU, Lyngby Campus. The facilities are available for research groups at DTU as well as external academic and industrial clients at a fee. Read more here for details about the terms and conditions for gaining access.
If you are interested in utilising the core for specific research purposes and wish to discuss your ideas in more detail, please contact the relevant member of the scientific board.
José Luis Martinez Ruiz Associate Professor Phone: +45 45252630 jlmr@dtu.dk