Getting access
Any project should begin with consulting lab manager Lene Holberg Blicher. Alternatively, a Project Creation Request can be submitted via our sample administration system, Stratocore PPMS. Instrument access will be allocated based on principles of project/instrument affinity and sample type.
Before a project is initiated it is important to consider the following:
- Sample complexity? Single proteins and low complexity samples are preferably analyzed on the Q-Exactive mass spectrometer, whereas high complexity samples are typically analyzed by on the H-FX or Fusion instruments.
- Do you need to quantify the proteins between different samples? Are there replicates enough to ensure statistically valid quantification and does the dataset include appropriate control experiments? Do you need any labeling techniques or is label-free sufficient?
- Post-translational modifications? Analysis of PTMs often requires dedicated sample preparation procedures and adapted mass spectrometry workflows. We readily support the analysis of phosphorylation events, and can help establish experimental workflows for other PTMs
- How will the data be analyzed? Depending on the project, data may be more or less complex and time-consuming to handle. The core provides access to different data analysis software packages and can provide initial help to setup a workflow.
We kindly ask you to acknowledge the use of the proteomic core facility in publications in the appropriate acknowledgement section (e.g. Mass spectrometry analysis was performed at the DTU Proteomics Core, Technical University of Denmark.)
Sample preparation and QC
Core Manager
Marie Vestergaard Lukassen Proteomics Core Facility Manager